The science of magic tricks

A magician must make a trick look effortless, but there is very little that is casual or spontaneous in a magic show. If you are lucky enough to watch a performance by a sleight-of-hand master such as Teller (of the magic duo Penn & Teller), Johnny Thompson or Juan Tamariz, chances are that nothing has been left to chance. Though other artistic fields also make performances look easy, magic is on a different plane.
Think of it this way: if you go and see George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet, you will have no trouble imagining all the sweat and tears that must have gone into achieving those amazing dance moves. Your body can’t do that, and you know it. Magic is just as choreographed, of course, but the nature of the art is that it must not look so. The motions of the hands and body must look like the ones you naturally make every day. Yet, even a causal drop of the magician’s shoulders – which the audience will hopefully not notice or remember after the show – can be filled with purpose and intent. That shoulder drop might have been the weapon of magical murder.
Artists of all kinds, including magicians, are connoisseurs of human behaviour and perception, and strive to evoke particular experiences in their audience. Magicians can alter a spectator’s perception in a variety of ways, but their speciality is attention management – known as misdirection. The concept of misdirection is often misunderstood. Audiences may believe that the magician distracts their attention during a critical move or manipulation, but this is not correct. They do not strive to turn spectators’ attention away from the ‘method’ – the secret behind the magic trick – but instead aim to direct their attention towards the magical effect. This is a critical point, and the reason it works is grounded in neuroscientific findings about the way our attention is controlled – a bit like a spotlight – by the brain.
The spotlight of attention is a metaphor used by neuroscientists and magicians alike and refers to the fact that we aim our attentional focus like a flashlight. Whatever object, person, or action we concentrate on appears more salient and even brighter than the rest of the scene. However, the neuroscience informs us that there is one fundamental difference between your attentional spotlight and your iPhone’s torch app. The reason things become more noticeable when you attend to them is not that your neural circuits boost your perception to make you more focused, but that everything else is actively suppressed. In other words, the spotlight of attention only seems to shine by comparison to the surrounding darkness. This means that magicians need only ensure that audiences aim their attention to specific spatial locations on the stage, and each spectator’s brain will take care of suppressing everything else – including the secret method hiding behind the magical effect. In a very real sense, your brain is the magician’s assistant.
Research suggests that these enhancement and suppression processes are mediated by two different populations of neurons in the visual cortex – the area at the back of the brain that processes visual information. How do magicians, then, drive the audience’s attention to particular places and time intervals during a performance? One effective way to misdirect somebody’s attention is by changing where they are looking. Magicians employ various strategies to control your eye position. These include asking specific questions about particular items on stage (“Tell me what card this is,” or “What is the year on this coin?”) and using their own body language and gaze direction to induce joint attention behaviours in the audience.
Joint attention is the mechanism that makes us gaze at something when we see other people doing it. For example, if you see a crowd of people looking up in the street, you will find it irresistible to look up as well. If the magician wants the audience to look at a specific object, he himself will pretend to be completely absorbed by it. However, if the magician wants the audience to look at his face, he will direct his own gaze to the rows of seats – even if he cannot actually see the audience due to the stage lighting – and the spectators will reciprocate.
Yet magicians can be subtler than just misdirecting your gaze. They do not necessarily have to change the audience’s direction of gaze in order to shift their attentional focus. When they succeed, audiences are looking at the right place, though without seeing, because their attention is engaged elsewhere. It’s powerful magic indeed. One way to mess with somebody’s attention, without diverting their gaze at all, is to split their focus. The same attentional neural mechanisms that boost our perception (at the centre of the spotlight) and suppression (in the surrounding areas) make it very difficult for us to multitask. We have a single attentional focus, which cannot be divided without losing effectiveness.

Magicians get audiences to multitask in a variety of ways. One such strategy is the very design of certain magic tricks. One prime example is the ‘cups and balls’ trick, one of the oldest magic tricks known – there are even records of performances taking place in Ancient Rome! It is usually performed with three cups placed upside down on a table. Balls and other objects magically appear and disappear inside the cups, much to the audience’s amazement. The way the performance is arranged forces spectators to split their attention between a minimum of three places on the table (the inverted cups), making their focus at most a third as precise as it might have been had they attended to a single location. The tactic is to divide the audience’s attention and conquer their perception of what is happening. 
Another way to make spectators try to multitask is to engage their senses and their mind in multiple ways simultaneously. Apollo Robbins, a world-renowned theatrical pickpocket, uses sight, sound (patter) and touch (tapping various parts of a volunteer’s body onstage) to misdirect attention away from the pocket or wrist that he intends to steal from. Many other magicians also use rapid fire ‘patter’ to overwhelm the audience’s auditory and language processing capabilities. So when Penn is talking a million words a minute on stage, what he’s actually doing is bombarding you with information to keep your brain busy.
One main goal is to create ‘internal dialogue’ in each spectator: if audience members are having even a simple inner discussion with themselves, they won’t be focusing as much on what’s going on right in front of their eyes. The Spanish magic theorist Arturo de Ascanio advised magicians to “ask a discombobulating question”. Even by asking: “Has anybody brought a scarf?” will get each spectator to ponder the question for a second or two. During that brief interval, they are trapped within their heads and unable to process other inputs efficiently; the magician is free to perform the secret move. 
Emotion is also used to the magician’s advantage, as feelings and attention are pretty incompatible. This is one main reason why eyewitness reports are famously unreliable. If you find yourself in the situation of having to give testimony in court or file a police report about something you witnessed, it’s highly likely that the event in question led you to experience a strong emotion. Human memory is certainly limited, and more so when you are scared. Some magic performances contain horror or gory elements – one of Teller’s signature tricks is to ‘drop’ a cute rabbit into a wood chipper – but humour is the emotion that magicians choose to provoke most often. Hilarity in a magic show increases the entertainment value and hampers the spectators’ ability to concentrate. Johnny Thompson (also known as The Great Tomsoni) says that while the audience laughs, time stops. It’s during this interval that the magician is safe to make a move, perhaps in preparation for the next trick. 

How do fireworks explode ?

These bright and festive chemistry experiments have been delighting people for hundreds of years
Despite their deffirent colours, shapes, speeds and sounds, all firworks have the same basic components Aerial firworks consist of a shell made of heavy paper that holds the"lift charge", the"bursting charge", and the the "stars"All of these glittery spectacles come from good old-fashioned combusion.
    Combusion is a chemical reaction between two substances(a fuel and and oxidant) that produces light and heat. The heat causes gasses to expand rapidly, building pressure. The  shells are tightly wrapped cylinders, which provide good resistance to this pressure, giving it a short time to build in intensity. Then, when the reaction overpowers the shell, you get the explosive firwork effect.
  It all starts when the shell is placed into a mortar(a cylinder the same size as the shell, which holds the firework in place while the fuse burns). The lift charge, at the bottom of the shell, is basiclly concentrated black power(charcol, sulphur, and potassium nitrate).
    when lit by the dangling fuse, the lift charge sends the shell into the air. Basic firecrakers are just paper-covered black powder: you light the fuse and listen to the popping sound. The bursting charge is another round of black powder with its own time-delayed fuse higher up in the shell. The bursting charge creates the heat to activate the stars that surround it and explode them outward from the shell. The stars are where the magic happens.
    Stars are balls made up of fuels, oxidisers, colour-creating combinations of deffirent kinds of metals, and a binder to hold everything together. The stars can be arranged within the firwork shell to create shapes. The shapes can be things like hearts, starts, and circles. Hundreds of stars can be used in a single firework shell.
     More complex fireworks - ones that produce a shape like a smiley face, have multiple phases of different colour, or make extra sounds like whistles, for exemple - have shels whith a more intricate in frastructure. In these types of  fireworks, these are more time-delayed fuses linked to various bursting charges with their own surrounding stars. Each of these may sit in its own individual interior shell. The are called "multi-break shells".
    While a sight to nehold, fireworks are individually wrapped chemistry experiments. Tapping one too hard or creating static electricity shock with your synthetic-material clothing could be deadly and one exploding near to your face could result in horrific burns and even blindness. They don't have the word 'fire' in them for nothing.

How important is the spinal cord ?

it's actually part of the brain and plays a major role in how your body works
Scientists have known for the past 100 years or so that the spinal cords is actually part of the brain. According to Dr.Melillo, while the brain has grey matter on the outside(protected by the skull) and protected white matter on the inside, the spinal cord is the reverse: the hrey matter in inside the spinal cord and the white matter is outside.

How do patches help smockers?

    Quitting smoking is tough, but the nicotine patch can wean people off cigarettes Transdermal patches are non-invasive medicated sticking plasters that are used daily to dispense steady close of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream. Nicotine is the addictive element of a cigarrette that makes you want to keep smoking.
   While a cigarette delivers the nocotine that a smoker craves straight to their brain, this nicotine fix can be replaced with a much lower dose that can be released slower to reduce the cravings associated with trying to give up smoking, and without chemicals found in tobacco smoke. The drug is sandwiched in a reservoir between an impermeable membrane that sticks to the skin. Although our skin is designed to keep chemicals out, the molecules of the drug used in patche are so tiny they can permeate it. The drug is diffused from the reservoir to the drug-release membrane and adhesive membrane, then from the adhesive membrane to the outer-most layer of skin. The drug is taken up by the capillaries and takes effect on the brain.

How does honey and lemon cure a sore throat?

       Honey and lemon can be drank warm as a comfort remedy when suffering from a sore throat or cold. The idea behind this is that the honey coats the throat and therefore any inflamed or sore areas will become 'protected' by a layer of honey. This means it will feel less painful when there areas come into contact with other surfaces like when you eat a meal or swollow. Lemon helps to settle the stomach as it contains acid. This can be particularly helpful when experiencing an upset stomach from the effects of a cold.

Why do we sometimes remember our dreams ?

    This  is a very good question and it is one for which ther is no satisfactory answer based on our current understanding of the brain. One thing studies have told us, though, is that dreams seem to happen more vividly and frequently during the REM(Rapid Eye Movement) stage of the sleep cycle, which tends to occur roughly four to five times in a normal night's sleep.
     It has been reported by several studies that you are much more likely to remember the dream you were having if you are woken in the middle of this REM cycle. So if you would like to remember your remember your dreams more frequently, you could try setting your alarm clock to go off in the middle of your REM sleep cycle(likely to be near the end of your night's sleep ) and write down what you remember.

How do boats stay afloat ?

     It becomes a little more interesting when ou consider that it's this effect that enables enormos supertankers weighing up to 4000, 000 tons to float.For exemple, when a supertanker is lauched into the seat it will sink if the water it displaces is equal to or exceeds the weigh of the ship itself. However, if when launched its weight is less that that of the water it displaces and its shape allows it to displace the weight faster than the water will reach the tanker's submerging point, no matter how large or full of cargo, then it will float.
     Ofcourse, if you were to drop a solid iron bar into a swimming pool, it will sink straight away because:firstly, its weight far outweighed that of the water it was displacing and secondly even if its weight was less than that of the water, its shape would not allow it to displace the weight fast enough.This is why ships humms are shaped how they are.
   So while the scientific principle might mack wow factor, it does enable fantastic feats of engineering like the TI class supertankers, the largest ocean going-ships in the world. They're an incredible 379 meters long, 68 meters wide and have a deadweight of some 441,585 metric tons and float thanks to the law of displacement discovered by Archimedes in the original Eureka moment.
At first displacement appears to be far from fascinating.Simply put, the volume of an object, when submerged in water, pushes aside the same volume of water.This simple process allows anyone to measure the precise volume of any object by then measuring the amount of fluid that either spills out of the top of the container or rises by said amount in a measuring cylinder.It's all very'science textbook'.